// NEW HOME. Link x Reader Fanfiction. //
\\ Currently undergoing revisions. \\
Home is very rarely a house, or a house alone; it is those who inhabit it, those who occupy your time and space in your heart... Those you love, and those who love you.
Home, for you, has not felt like home for a long time. In a house left to you by family, in which the family is very rarely present, in a village you'd never left...
It was as stifling as it was monotonous, and that was to say it's incredible, mind-numbingly, terribly monotonous.
Nothing happens in Hateno, the village of the normal, and it was a peaceful sort of calm, one in which you were a lone dreamer of something more, something exciting, something adventurous.
It's obvious to everyone in Hateno that you're growing restless, but to take only what you could carry on your back and an adventurous spirit and leave the only life you'd ever known... No one thought you could, nor that you would.
But that's exactly what you did.
However, that's not to say you didn't have help. Actually, those old stories about the heroes of legend, and specifically the one you felt was unfinished, of the calamity a century ago... perhaps you could go help write them an ending.
And really, who better to journey with than the hero of legend himself?
// DETAILS: //
First Person. Mild language, spoilers for the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Several liberties taken with Hyrule's landscape - don't expect a 1:1, exact representation of the map. Story is currently being revised, which is why it looks strange. If you read it before, I encourage you to take another look, and please, above all else, enjoy.