What I hope to be a very popular book... Taylor, the leader of Hurricane watchers that study hurricanes, had a vacation with his nephew and his Girlfriend at his parent's private island. A sudden Hurricane appeared and Taye was the closest to it, but Taylor looked at the radar and saw no hurricane but decided to go and take the two others with him so they can witness a hurricane. When they came up to the Hurricane, it finally popped onto the radar and was appearing as a type 5 even stronger the Katrina... The hitch to the hurricane was that it wasn't moving at all. it sat there for days because Taylor kept checking on it. But on the last day of his vacation, they were all in the helicopter and the engine just killed. They all started to freak out and they all blacked out. Now they are in a village way past the technology of current day humans. Is this heaven they asked or are they still alive? Want to find out what happens next read the book! ;-)