Inspired by the 2007 TV show "Kid Nation," and 1950's novel "Lord of the Flies," a group of 30 kids, aged between 11 and 17, wake up in an old desert town from the late 1800's. They are given a note that tells them they must survive on their own, and build a community; the more they develop a successful community, the more supplies are given to the group. They are without adult supervision, and no set rule system. Their hate lies within their own hands. Who will survive, and who will fall?
Co-writers include: Loose Elyse, and our personal friend, Haley. This story is as much theirs as it is mine, so make sure to enjoy!
CONTENT WARNING: Includes death of children, and harsh language
Also includes LGTB relationships (this isn't a warning, but a disclaimer so that if anyone who reads this sees it, just know, we will be writing this no matter what you say, because we don't hate any sexuality here, so deal with the decision!)
Cover design created by: Samantha Ruiz (@Samantharuizn)
Surviving can be difficult when you're only a few inches tall. Fanged beasts see you as their prey, every creature is bigger than you, and the world seems to work against small things. Not to mention the struggles of getting from place to place... but the worst of it all? Humans.
Once a year, every year, summer sweeps over the forest. The sun warms the leaves and the damp melts away until the world of the Winged flourishes. Those warm months are when survival becomes the hardest.
Drawn by the beauty of the forest, humans of all kind invade the already dangerous home of the small Winged people. Fear of these monsters is shared throughout the tribes. One sacred piece of advice is known: avoid humans at all costs. They know only how to destroy and hurt.
Despite the protests of her close friend, Azure accepts a mission that takes her from the safety of her tribe. Things begin well despite her trepidation of the approaching summer months. That is, until she falls right into the hands of the very creatures she feared.
Completed! Beware of some crappy writing and stupid typos :0
Second part is on my account :)