"It's days like these that I wish I hadn't befriended you, when my skies are gray and the space beside me is empty.
I wish you hadn't gotten my hopes up, but it's not like I thought I'd be able to remember you. All my life has been spent with faces coming and going, and you were the first to stay.
Unfortunately, times have changed and I've spent my life away, looking at frozen memories of us, trapped on a piece of paper forever."
Yuri Plisetsky's freshman year is off to an eventful start, taking easy courses to get out of spending effort at school.
The majority of his time is spent with him in the meadow, looking down at things he had once remembered so vividly.
He befriends a red headed girl, who encourages him to come out of his shell.
His silver haired neighbor, captain of the football team Victor Nikiforov, just wants to watch the blond grow out of his outcast phase, and with the usual morning talk on their way to school he thinks he's making progress.
He swears his LOTE teacher has it out for him, ever since his outburst on the first day of school, and from her point of view he finds something he hadn't experienced since he was nine.
His world, however, changes when he bumps into the leather jacket lad from his photography class who sweeps him off his feet.
And his world suddenly turns colorful when he finds out that the stack of polaroids in the corner of his bedroom have finally become useful.