1. implied though not plainly expressed.
synonyms: implied, hinted at, suggested, insinuated
Anxiety, being the embodiment of actual anxiety, is often fallen in thought. But recently, he hasn't felt the motivation to even talk or think, so much it's actually affecting Thomas, pulling him into depression and drinking alcohol.
Prince is always there to make him feel better, but at what extent? They're opposites-not meant to be together. So instead of being truly relaxed, Anxiety tries to hate him, trying to be himself and not giving into positivity.
It isn't until some dragging days pass until the personalities try to help him, pushing him into discomfort and even more difficulty.
And one morning, he was gone.
- self harm
- talks of suicide
- talks of depression
Thomas has added Sir Prince-A-Lot, anxious mess, Hi I'm Dad and Logically Thinking into the chat.
will eventually feature prinxiety and maybe logicality.