Honesty is the Best Policy! ... Gender Bent! :D In this story, all of the characters are girls! I realized that all of the characters that mean something to the story are boys. Shadow, Sonic, Scourge, Mephiles, Silver... The only girl main characters are Honest and Akane, but even Akane is never really a big part of the plot like the rest of the guys. So! I decided that I will make another spin-off story that will be a taste of what Sonic would be like if it was an anime game. Shadow the Tsundere... Sonic the Athletic Pervert (that's a personality type, right? XD)... Scourge the Delinquent girl... Mephiles the creepy, dead-silent girl... Silver the nerdy, annoying, and outgoing girl... XDDD I will have so much fun writing this!!!
- Description typed 4/14/2017 btw. I haven't even started writing the story and the story is already written all the way almost by the time the story desc is published :P
- Please read the other Honesty is the Best Policy! stories in the Honesty is the Best Policy! family: {w/Sonic}, {Café Edition}, {w/Snow}, {Forces Edition}, {w/Rosy}, {Comic Edition}, {Limited Edition}, Is a Walled Garden Still Rosy?, Scrambled, and Rouge Tape!
- All links to websites are guaranteed to be family-friendly and malware/pop-up free! I wouldn't hurt you guys.
- Please don't mind the complaining I might include in my story. These stories are based on my real life as a Sonic character, so I may get emotional sometimes. :(