➳ Quinn Fabray has imaginary friends. ➳ Brendon Urie is depressed. ➳ Dan Howell smokes and drinks. ➳ Skye Johnson is an insomniac. ➳Charlie Smith is gay. ➳Newt Whitman likes girly clothes. They all have some things in common, mostly the fact that they are outcasts. They stand out. They are your school's weirdos, the people that you know are different from you and you hate them. They will never be like the cools kids. But why is that a bad thing? ➳ Rachel Berry is head cheerleader but lives in the shadow of her brother's. She will never be as good as him so why trying? ➳Ryan Ross likes everything that moves but never settles down. He doesn't want to let himself get attached to anyone because he fears that he's too screwed up for anyone to truly love. ➳ Phil Lester is the a new kid. Back to his hometown, he had many friends and everyone loved him. This place is pretty much the same except one person who seems to hate Phil's gut. Phil can't have that. ➳ Grant Ward is the best football player that has ever been to Coal Hill Academy. He's a golden boy but with an ego bigger than Brendon's forehead. ➳Matteusz Andrzejewski is gay. He just chooses to ignore it for the sake of his Christian's parents. It all was going pretty well until they enrolled him into a different school. ➳ Thomas Paige is a top student in WCKD Academy. Yet he's a party animal. If only, he could handle drinking. We've reached a point where our society is jugding every little thing we do. But that's okay. It makes us stronger. These kids could never be cool but they had each other and that was enough.All Rights Reserved