Man #1: Large, solid build. Emotional killer. All of his psychopathic tendencies revolve around whether he loves or hates you. Maternal side sometimes becomes present. Has expressed on some occasions that he wants to bear a child even though this is an impossibility. Weapon of choice: sledgehammer. Man #2: Smaller, slighter. Bulimic tendencies. Prefers to cook and eat his victims, rather than dispose of them. Often will go long periods without eating just so he can work up the nerves to go and attack someone. Says this makes their meat taste better. Weapon of choice: knives. Woman: Bipolar nymphomaniac. Personality ranges from shy and withdrawn to bullish and high-energy, this sometimes matches her sexual desire. When exceptionally lustful she will seek out the person she has been fantasizing about and try to coerce them into sex. Most often this is in the form of running naked towards the person, tackling them to the ground, and dry humping them while speaking or shouting incoherently. Weapon of choice: Noose or garrotte. Man#3: Middle build. Psychosis manifests in a strong hate for people. Mostly cynical, he is completely driven by hatred. Has laser like focus and moderate to high physical capability. Displays excellent listening skills and a strong desire to hurt others. Often the object of the Woman's sexual desires. Has incredibly sharp hearing.All Rights Reserved