If you want to RP, have asked me to RP, I have asked you to RP, or you feel like this is a good place to RP with your frens, welcome! This RP book will operate like this: there will be six people per comment thread, and you will have to provide an adequate description of your character to RP. there are four classes of RP in this book: Casual, for a RPer who just wants to fool around, Medium, for the more serious RPer, Serious, for people who want to RP with very serious groups, and Unlimited, where you can go wild with your character and give them all the wacky powers and convenient plot devices you want!
You can RP in a few different mediums here, which will be split. The Unlimited chapter will have medium-jumping as well, but in the other three you must stay in the same franchise.
A RP proposal will be formatted like this:
<Greeting> would you like to roleplay?
I want to RP in <franchise>
I will be using my <species> character <name>. They look like <brief* description of character> and can <brief* description of powers>.
*brief: roughly thirty words
The place is <setting>, the time is <setting>.
<additional information>
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