Destiny: Plagues of Darkness
22 جزء
undefined أجزاء إكمال Max Prodigy is finally awake; his past memories have been restored and he realizes his true potential as The Warlock. But his teammates aren't so sure: Cass thinks he's breaking the law as an uncontrollable monster, while Jess, Kaden, and Shin wants him to be his honest self. To make matters worse, the City and its Guardians are dividing themselves over political power and how to use it.
On the Hive Dreadnought, Oryx heard his son's last words before his untimely death at the hands of Max Prodigy. With anger and hatred fueling his Sword, Ecthar the Willbreaker, and a mindless Taken army at his beckoned call, the newly appointed Taken King marches to avenge his son and bring about a new universe under his rule.
An alt-right group known as the Concordat is scared of Max Prodigy's awakening. In response, Lysander has awakened an ancient project known as SIVA from the bowels of the Cosmodrome. The project has spread itself into every corner of Old Russia, threatening to overtake the world, with Lysander at the throne.
And underneath all of that, darker plots unfold as an old Cabal Legion begins to rise from his ashes. Max must keep the City united through its perils, but will he have the strength to do what's right, again?