18 bahagian
Cerita lengkap Katherine Nichols, the one that everyone knew didn't want children, agreed to become the godmother of her friend's kid. She figured that she wouldn't have to deal with anything but the fun stuff like taking them to the park. When she reports live the story of her friends' deaths, she is proven wrong. Is Katherine ready to raise a child? Moreover, is she ready to raise a child with her beloved ex-boyfriend, Jason Graham, who'd she'd imagined spending the rest of her life with?
Clara Carmichael's mother was sick, and she seemed to be the only one that could possibly help. Her father was running out of retirement money, and her brother was struggling to support himself. In a last ditch attempt to earn enough money for her mother's surgery, she signed up for being a surrogate. The problem? She began to fall in love with the man that hired her. Will she be able to leave the poor couple alone and just give them what they asked for? Or are her feelings for Lucas Dawson too strong?
Collette Fredrickson, despite her trauma from the last time she'd went out drinking, decided it was time for her to get over it and agreed to go out for drinks with her friends, Clara and Katherine. While she struggled to stay out of panic attack territory, she met David Martin, who appeared to be one of the few good guys in the world. That was until after she'd spent the night with him. Suddenly, he was acting like all of the other jerks she'd met and heard of. Adding to that, Collette found out she was pregnant with his baby. Had David been telling the truth at the club that night or had he just lied to get into her pants?