Mental health is so important. It's also important to have the education and knowledge so we can let mental health impact our lives in many ways overall all aspects and areas of our lives. I guarantee you that if we let it do its magic in our lives, we will see our lives improving in ways we never imagined possible.
With the methods, mindsets, lifestyles we all live and follow in our own individual lives, it's no lie that they have become quite unhealthy, unethical in different ways, as well as unsuccessful for the things and outcomes we expect in result. So what I'm saying here is that educating ourselves on mental health and mental illness (including addictions), we are then able to actually receive the results we want due to a change in mindset, thinking, lifestyle and every aspect of one's life; the right, healthy, logical, ethical, smart, and positive method that is proven to be more successful as long as we let it have its impact and it's job in our own lives!
So therefore, I believe that psychology can change the world and by that I also mean fix the world and the future as long as we let it. We must allow ourselves to feel uncomfortable by stepping out of our comfort zone for change to happen. Because no change happens in a comfort zone, as for no actions of challenging ourselves, only remaining where and what we are.
Being uncomfortable is one of the ingredients when it comes to letting and allowing change to happen in our lives including with ourselves! It also involves taking some risks and chances as much as experiencing moments in life that we do not like but have to accept and let life do its magic so it can in time, change us for the better.
And so I've created this book to help educate, encourage, inspire all of you of the importance of mental health as all the little yet important subtopics of the subject so we all can let mental health feel welcome as well as being an important yet shameless part of our society and our world as a whole!