53 Partes Concluida Contenido adultoAvery and her younger sister, Aurei must fight the world ever since the fatal fever has spread.
Whenever you die, you get resurrect, but you'll never be the same....you'll soon begin to feast on the living...
Avery must protect her sister with her life and kill anything that gets in her way...
(The best song for this book is Fink-Honesty)
-Remember MURDER is wrong! I don't promote any manslaughter! Avery is just doing this to survive! (Not justifying her actions, you're welcome to have your opinion.)
I hope you enjoy this story as I do in writing it.
WARNING: this contains very colorful language, I do not recommend or promote murder, suicide, rape, etc.
Plus, I don't agree with sexism, so anything said in this book isn't my personal opinion or bias.
And I can be very descriptive about someone's death, blood and gore is mentioned in this story.