Hey minna hope ya'll like this story this is my first NaLu fanfiction and of 'course minor JeRza and other more ships and please take it easy on the comments im like only 12 yrs old and im not kidding ( -_-") WARNING: there will be slow updates because author-chan needs juice(inspiration) juice i say and anyways~ *~**~*~**★♡★**~*~**~* There was a faraway clan were angels and demons lived called the land of Fiore the sky/heavens were the angels excactly live if you ask me (anyways) and under the gentle white clouds is were the demons lived and above the clouds there lived a beautiful angel princess that is forced to be married by the king of the underworld's to be excact to his demon prince son. But of course the king above the heavens and the father of the angel princess doesnt want his dauther to marry a person or a demon to be excact nor he doesnt want his people to suffer from preventing the others to rebel to what they think of the king. So he planed his dauther to leave from the kingdom and live a normal life at the human clan to find a certain 'school' that his dearest friend own so together with her personal guard and lady in waiting Erza B. Scarlet the dauther of (a/n:gomen everyone to who is reading FT if im a spoiler (^_^")) the commander in chief Eileen B. Scarlet and with her pet friend dog shapeshifter sir Plue to leave in the human clan called Earthland with a help by there loyal demon bestfriend Mirajane Strauss to past throu the portal without anyone to notice. To make it not sound suspicious for there disapearance the father told his people that they've been ambushed attack and food poison (a/n:g-gomen i cant think of anything there fake death will be (>~<")) but the king was lucky the he has mythical aquantance from the human clan to watch out for his dauther. But the king of the underworld has something in mind . . . . . (A/N: i do not own the characters nor FT it all belongs to Hiro Mashima-san but i take credit on only the story plot]All Rights Reserved