Do you beleive in Reancarnation,love at first sight, or even feeling like you lived in a past life? If you did'nt then meet someone that did. Darcey was a normal 16 year old living in Boston, with a family, friends, and the most populer boy in school as her boyfriend. But Darcy also has a secret and that is she keep's on getting wierd flashback of a boy names luces who's saying that there are mates and they keep.on meeting each other in past live's, and that the only way the flashback's could stop is thay she have to find Harry styles the most populer band member in the hottest british band the "one direction". Would she find him? Why him? Is he the the luces she keep's on seeing or is there another reason she have to find him? Find out by reading "The Eternal One's" !!!!