Fueled by a desire to become a teacher, Loren Mayshark entered Hunter College in 2008, with the intention of gaining a master's degree in two years. Six years and tens of thousands of dollars later, he abandoned his studies without attaining the degree. This is the tale of one young man's journey through the labyrinth of American higher education, stymied by haughty professors, an inept administration, and ridiculous policies. In the process, he nearly lost his desire for academic learning and his reverence for the educational system, and came close to losing his will to live. As Mayshark discovered, his experience was not unique. Across the United States, graduate students are increasingly finding themselves caught in a vortex. The casualties, as this book makes clear, are the next generation of American minds. This story will be updated three times per week every Monday, Wednesday and Friday until it is completed. Experience the Dark Corners of Higher Education in the U.S. from a Student's Perspective Note: The names of key figures have been changed.
20 parts