This all started when he went off to college. Before then we were so close. So close, nothing could break the bond. He was my big brother I looked up to. I was his baby sister that he went to when he needed advice or a brilliant plan. He left, and it seemed like he never came back. I think he liked growing up too much; it made him forget about me.
This all started when I forgot her birthday. It was my second year in college, and I had finals. To be completely honest I didn't know what day of the week it was. I had school, homework, band stuff occasionally, Jo. My family was always with me, I just didn't think of them all the time. I came home, and we fought. Yes, my baby sister, Katie and I fought. Which is pretty rare. We lost our connection over the past few years; she probably thinks I forgot about her. But I didn't. And I never will.
This all started when Katie got kidnapped.
This all started when I Forgot About You.