'Finding Fates Way' is a dystopian story set in the distant future of Australia. The country was renamed by its new founder Estova, and divided into four regions, all of which are named after his four children. Albium was east and where those who basked in richness were to stay. Niola was south and was for people with considerable talents or professions. Up north was Urica, and that region was for people who had enough money for basic items, but no real skills or jobs. And lastly, was Zealk. Being farthest away from the highest region (Albium), Zealk was for people who were considered as shocking to others. They had hardly any money and survival was hard. Yet somehow with such diversity, they all still had one thing in common. And that was the necklace that each individual wore. Shaped as half of a unique shape, somewhere in your region, your soulmate wore the other half and it was destined that you and your set partner were to be together otherwise you would end up with a fatal disease. Follow Hazel on her journey to find her other half.