"Your getting married!" I look up at my mother in surprise. Why am I surprised, I've been expecting this for a while. "Who?" I keep my voice monotone. I learned a long time ago, it does no use to break.
"An eligible bachelor," my father says proudly. he probably found the man.
"Very rich," I see the glee in my mothers eyes as she says this. "His name is Daniel."
Every since Alice was born her life has been planned out for her. Who her friends would be. What school she would go to. Who she would marry. But how could she expect less from her parents, Multi-billionaires Kate and James Collins. As she fights with the people she loves for the right of her own life something else comes into view. marriage, to a man she has never met before. She finds herself falling, for two men. Daniel, the man she is forced to marry, And Dean, her life long best friend whom she has more feelings for than she should. Her life is a mess. Her life is not her own.