The vase fell down and shattered into pieces; his eyes were red in anger "Is it so bad? Is it that awful that I chose this type of a life, something different from other men out there?" She shook her head and tried to keep her hand on his shoulder but backed off "It's not your fault nor is it hers-" He jerked her pulling closer, their faces were inches apart as he whisper asked deadly "Why?" she opened her mouth to answer but then failed to find one herself. He smiled sadly "My bad I tried to make a difference, my bad I wanted to become someone most of the people out there thought didn't exist... " "Hey Mr. Sexy!" she called out. He didn't budge making her frown as she approached him "My! My! Someone seems touché today!" He smirked as she stood right in front of him "What?" His question brought a frown on her face and before she could counter him he pulled her into a tight hug "Hugs and conversations in open can mean something to the others" she mentioned. "As if I care!" he retorted still not leaving her. Somehow he seemed relieved in her embrace but what they didn't notice was that someone was seeing them. Unknowingly, she was hurt to see them thus not know why a tear tripped down her cheeks as she lifted her gaze away from them she wondered... "Why do I care?"All Rights Reserved