When our friends make choices we don't agree with, what do we do? And when those choices threaten our friendship, how far will we go to protect our friends?
Jordan Spencer is thirty-six and hasn't had a relationship that's lasted more than six months. Her's cool with that. He's got space issues. Besides, he's got his best friends, Gabby and Chris, for happy hours, clubs, and weekend hangouts. But Gabby is falling for a guy Jordan doesn't like and Chris-the-sex-machine is having a phallic crisis.
Jordan though that their friendship would last forever. But with each day, they drift further apart. Should he fight for the friends who have become his family? Or has the season of their friendship past?
Set to the soundtrack of his life, Jordan will learn that in a world full of sex, drugs, and drag queens, that even the best of friends occasionally lie to each other. Sometimes they cry for each other. But in the end, sometimes ya just gotta laugh ...