1 Часть Завершенная история The Oberllyn's in the year 2018 are a shadow family. Noel , Violet and their children are close knit in more ways than one; traditionally native, brilliant, with military and scientific backgrounds, they all work together in the family firm. The firm, a fourth generation independent underground spy network, works directly for the President and other U.S. allies to stop the spread of terrorism. In theory, Kai, Gabriel and Jasmine are supposed to take over the firm; Noel and Violet are supposed to retire as soon as the boys finish their present military service. Kai and Gabriel had gone into the military undercover as recruits, only to have the government they all thought they were working for put them in situations to deliberately attempt to kill them . While her brothers are under fire, Jasmine is in university finishing her degree in forensic psychiatry, and while studying, finds a husband as well. Lilianna has gone off on her own; Micah, an eight year old autistic savant, is learning to cope with his social anxiety while Serena just wants to find a horse to ride. In the meantime, a hidden figure sets loose a savage virus that has a 100% kill rate, it has gone global, and the Oberllyn's need to kill it before it kills them and everyone else. And you thought retirement planning was just a matter of money...