This is a child being abuse by an adult, but this person is not just any adult, he is her father. The little is just 12 years old and her name is Sarah Brown. This is the situation she faced everyday once being home. Her dad (Mr Brown) is a alcoholic and every time he drinks he would let out all anger on his daughter. This happens because her mom (Mrs Brown) left her father by divorcing him,they went to family court for the custody of Sarah, in the end the father won the court, which turns out not a good decision. Sarah's mom was a drug addicted and that's what the father had against the mother. However, even thou she was an addict he still loved her but she left him. That's what made Mr Brown the person he was. But don't worry, their neighbour Mrs.Jones was tired of seeing bruises on the poor child, so she called child's care agency on the man and from there they took over. Now, Sarah is no longer a child and she is working with child care because of what she had been through as a child. She had even made a program of her own about the prevention of child abuse. Today her biological parents are still divorce yet her mother still have Sarah"s father last name, Sarah visit her mom but does not correspond with her dad because he has not changed of her to forgive him. Sarah mother is no longer at rehab.All Rights Reserved