book two.
"cosmos is a greek word for the order of the universe. it is, in a way, the opposite of chaos. it implies the deep interconnectedness of all things. it conveys awe for the intricate and subtle way in which the universe is put together."
[ the originals : season 2 ]
[ in which the blonde found a home in New Orleans ]
[ current cover : @zelladays ]
[ slow updates ]
44 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte Erwachseneninhalt
44 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
in which Melody Marshall
finds out about her true self
and what she is destinated to be
where an exciting but dangerous
love awaits her in the arms of
Klaus Mikaelson
book 1 in the ALWAYS&FOREVER trilogy
niklaus mikaelson x female oc
copyright | maliasstories
Highest rankings:
#1 neworleans 27.12.2022
#2 neworleans: 12.09.2022
#2 stefansalvatore: 22.10.2022
#3 bonniebennett: 18.11.2022
#4 carolineforbes: 26.08.2022
#12 thevampirediaries: 12.09.2022