a Story about a girl wHo movEs far away fRom her home and her mother to meet someone very dear to her in London, but whether he is sO keen on meeting her, remains to be seen. but she is persistent, beCause she wants to get to Know Him, even if that means mOving into that iconic Location in london, so close to that Man so closEd off from everyone, hoping he will one day open up, not only to hiS friend, but also to his dAughter. she plays his instrument, shares his deductive abilities and many other things are similar between the two, so will they connect?
Read it all in the Sound of Deduction, a BBC Sherlock story.
As is already visible in the title, this is a story based on the Sherlock series from BBC, taking place before, during and after seasons 1 - 4 (may contain some spoilers...)
After surviving the confrontation with Jim Moriarty, Teddy Holmes is back and ready to start her detective career in London. When she is asked by Mycroft to help Sherlock with retrieving some photographs though she doesn't expect to run into a blast from the past.
That's the least of her problems though. How do you deal with feelings you have long since forgotten and believed to be non-existent?
Story Warnings: Violence, mild offensive language, and brief mentions of sex.