"Hello?" I yelled running through the house, phone in my hand. "Mom? Someone is one the phone for you!" I yelled again. No answer. My eyebrows frowned as I searched for the woman. I put the phone to my ear and began talking. "I'm sorry, but my mom is not here at the moment. Can I take a note?" I asked. "Well, it is urgent. Does she go to work?" The officer asked. "Uhm, no. She used to work at this grand hotel. I thinks is was called Maraci-" "Golden Miraci Hotel?" He corrected me. I stood there silent, wondering if I remember this 'golden' hotel. "Is it made out of real gold?" I ask excited. Now my 6 year old self never knew where mom worked. I always loved the way I was so naive. Sense the sarcasm. "No, sweetie. Would you mind if we come over later have a small talk with you?" He asked. "Yes, why?" I asked confused. A police man never wanted to have a small talk to me. "Eluna, there is a reason your mother is not home.. "