Oxen Reese lives in a small town and is the star quarterback of his schools football team. He's fit, smart and is the king of the school. For some odd reason people have swarmed to Oxen since he was young. He has a reputation now, one that won't let up. And with said reputation comes rules. Which means gushing about what happened on Vampire diaries or Pretty Little Lairs. That's a girly thing to do. And Oxen's not a girl "he's all man" or that's what all the gossip is saying. And if he wants to keep said reputation he'll keep being "All man". That's till a "total freak" shows up as a new student one day.Oxen didn't really care. Yeah they didn't get new kids often but why should Oxen care about this kid? He had tattoos, a weird ass hair cut, freaked out most of the kids with his piercings and not to mention that the guy was as aggressive as some of the jocks at his school. So it was normal that the new kid Lincoln would get into fights with the football team once in a while. Both had bad attitudes. Usually Oxen was there to witness them and make sure that nobody broke bones. They don't actually have their first conversation until Oxen is pulling Lincoln off a beaten and bruised kid. Though the conversation is short somehow Lincoln was able to pique Oxens interest. A strange relationship starts between the the two. Something that confuses the hell out of Oxen and entertains Lincoln.All Rights Reserved