Despite coming from a non-magical family, Snow Brielle Sylveria still yearns to become one of the gifted. When the opportunity to attend Universe Academy finally comes, one question remains: can she overcome the challenges and survive?
500 years ago, the Gods of the Universe created and chose a mortal to carry the seed. Yet, her power and body were incompatible. The chosen one had to sleep for five centuries to make the child in the womb adapt and seal the dominant power.
Everyone thought that Snow Brielle Sylveria is just an ordinary girl, born from a non-magic family. She grew up without knowing her mom and her real identity; a typical nerd-looking girl with no special ability. Not until one night when someone tried to harm her, her ability manifested and surprisingly created a massive disturbance in the entire Vermillion.
How could an ordinary girl become the One who would protect the entire Universe from the demons?
Disclaimer: This story is written in Taglish, a combination of Tagalog & English.