"Everything had happened so swiftly, so quick and so unknowingly. I was in pain, a pain I had felt before, a familiar one, but this time, I felt numb. My entire lower body, completely taken over by the feeling, unable to recognize any type of pain.
I had seen my blood on multiple occasions(more than the average 17-year old, I'd say), but why did it make me sick this time, watching my blood drip a shade of deep, crimson red from my abdomen? My entire body was shaking from the highest piece of hair on my head, down to the lowest point of my toes.
I felt scared. I felt so scared. Scared of the possibilities, scared of the man, scared of myself."
"There isn't anything he wouldn't do to protect her."
Trigger Warnings-
•self harm
•talk of smoking
•homophobic slurs
•heart attack
•car accidents
•body image issues
•dirty talk
•coming out struggles
•talk of tattoos
•talk of piercings
•talk of cutting
•talk of scars
and possibly more. Please don't read if any of this is triggering.