This situation was over the head.He was weeping like a innocent child.Brave and faithful zara was his only ray of hope.She was worried to see his father in a fix,she just went to her room and broght her money bank and threw it on the them floor.There were 1000 rupees in it.She gave all of them to her father and ali hugged her with lots of blessing and prayers. Zara was feeling proud and at least she could help her father at that time when everyone had left him. Next day early in the morning ali went to the queue in order to purchase 1000 words for 1000 rupees.He was feeling relaxed as today he had enogh money throgh which he can purchase words throgh which he can pass his 3 or 4 days easily.First of all he went to saint .After praying in regards he asked for the further proceddure.Saint said;Dear ali today you are happy because you have enogh money that can make you able to speak some days but in my point of veiw the happiness is that you have aquired ability to speak 10000 words in your 3 or 4 days otherwise when you first came to me you spoke 1000 words even in an hour so you spritual therapy is over now you can speak easily but remember for things; 1_Listen more and speak less. 2_Speak according to the scenerio. 3_Do not ask others unneccesary questions as curiously killed the cat. 4_Never say anything that hurts anybody.All Rights Reserved