In a world where Fey live side by side peacefully with humans, building intricate lives without the notice of the humans around them. Their magics and arts have been practiced since the dawn of time, but few remember their past lives. Follow the story of a naive young Piskie under the alias of Puck, coming to terms with her past life and the idea that not everything in the world is Good. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, even if that reaction doesn't come until many years and many reincarnations later. She and her friends have to come to terms with the fact that while the Good may forget past dirty deeds, the Evil always remembers, and constantly plans for its inopportune vengeance.
Puck and her motley must deal with multiple dark forces attacking them from all sides, each for a different reason. Are they connected? Why are they there? What have the local Fey done to deserve the punishments they are given?
Strangely political, sometimes humorous, and intended to make you cry.