Wattpad is a community where millions of writers create stories that may or may not be so popular. But to write them, they put in so much effort, that we can't even imagine. So why not give them an applause?
To begin with, I would love to interview writers of books like Chasing Red, Married to Mr Nightmare and many other famous books here on Wattpad.
To know about your favorite writers, tag them in the comments section and I'll request them one by one for an interview. If we're lucky enough, we'll get to know a lot about their experiences.
Also, comment about what all questions you would want them to answer.
Thank you
Want to ask me questions? See my behind the scenes? Even see my upcoming story sneak peeks?
Here you can request for a chapter read request as well as critique. There's even something better-talking to me about anything you want!