They call it a sweet 16, because your 16th birthday is supposed to be amazing, one of the greatest times of your life. But for Anya Bradford, her 16th Birthday was everything but sweet, more like hell.
Anya was one of the most popular girls in her highschool-friendly, confident, and she was also a varsity cheerleader. But when she turned 16, everything turned upside down, and she just became a shadow of her former self- shy, depressed, quit cheerleading, and she became the talk of the school- in a negative way. With her new change, her parents decided she needed a break from San Diego, so she was sent to live with her older sister and her fiance' in Los Angeles to try and change there, but no one understands what happened to Anya, and she can't just put it behind her and become herself again. Anya believes she's hopeless, that there's no light at the end of the tunnel, until she meets Liam Payne on the beach, and he instantly becomes attached to her and wants to help her.
Can Liam help show her that light at the end of the tunnel, or will Anya never be able to be herself again?