In a small, quaint town near the south of Germany, lives Libby; full name Lisbeth Bonevie, with her mother, father and older brother, Matthieu. Libby is a normal 17 year old girl; she loves to dress pretty, gossip with her friends, and go to the dock with her best friend, Jasper. The only thing seperating her from normal 17 year old's, is the fact that she is jewish. And under the rein of 'Hitler', that is one seperation that will be hard to overcome.
Read as Libby keeps a firm grip on the one thing that will always be there for her: hope.
Amit Gypps was just a normal high school girl, when the new politcal party, the Nazis came into power and began make life misery for the Jewish people in her community. Amit's life is turned upside down and soon finds herself being sent to a Jewish Ghetto.
All hope was lost until, a Nazi guard, called Adam Hans, a popular handsome boy who went to Amit's school, makes a promise to protect Amit no matter what. Is Adam worth trusting or will they both suffer the consequences?
Set in one of the biggest Jewish ghettos, Warsaw. Based on true events during the holocaust, however all the characters are fictional.