Lamette is the capital of Dreckor, a mighty place full of power. And Lamette holds that power - but not all of it is good power, mind you.
Winged, Kahna, Kresler, and Gremfold fill the soul of this city, along with the common human. Many of these rare species of people are quite sinister, but it may not seem like that at first glance. But that is not where our story begins - it begins with a Winged, a one with a quite a story - that is not to be learned, just yet. He plots his complex plans in secrecy, with ones he can trust. Only those.
The truth of Winged's is that they aren't born, so to speak - they appear, out of thin air. Almost full-grown, they just land there, disoriented and dazed. Nobody can even begin to explain why, but, let's just say they are believed to fall from the skies like a baby bird.
And that is where another Winged comes in - our Protagonist, Caius Nero. A newborn Winged, fourteen years of age by his looks. He falls out of the sky, smack-dab in the middle of a tomato crate, in an alleyway. At night. Not so fortunate in his "birthing", is he? ...But, at least, someone finds him.
And you, yourself, reader, get to explore the lands of Lamette and beyond, into Dreckor - like no other before.