17 Kapitel Laufend Note- This is a continuation of my SOA fanfic titled "From Love." Please read that first to understand this story.
Disclaimer- I do not own any of the characters in the sons of anarchy universe, they all belong to the ingenious Kurt Sutter. I only own my Oc's.
Summary- Elise Roosevelt has been away in the Army Reserves and nursing school for the past two years. Now, a 21 year old Lieutenant in the U.S. Army and a newly graduated nurse, she decides to move back home to start her career. Where is home? Charming, California... The town that took everything from her and almost broke her down. But that was two years ago, and now she's different, stronger, and more determined than ever as she makes her way back to Charming, to the club, and most of all, to the only man she's ever loved... Jackson Teller.