Once there was a kingdom called, The Spirit Kingdom. It consisted of two types of spirits, the spirit knights and the fire knights. They peacefully lived in harmony, as the stone of life protected them.
One day, the stone was stolen. They blamed each other for it, and they soon couldn't stand each other. The stone then was found shattered, broken, and destroyed. The kingdom came crumbling down, the spirit knights and the fire knights became enemies. They found refuge in two different places, the sun and the moon. The spirit knights live in the darkest part of the moon and the fire knights live in the burning sun. A war broke out between the two, started by the spirit knights cold heart.
The spirit knights controlled, ice, water, and blood. The fire knights controlled, fire, lava, and light. They are natural born enemies, they're supposed to hate each other right? Wrong. Aurora and Arielon had fallen in love before everything happened. They both escaped to earth, got married, and had a little boy. The most powerful little boy.
الشقة 333
"نعم كانت هي.. كانت نفس الشقة التي بدأ بها عذابي.. هكذا وقفت امامها ذلك اليوم قلبي ينبض بجنون ابحث عن الحب الذي لن اجده فيها يوماً .. بل وجدت بدله نصف الشيطان الذي كنت انا احمل نصفه الاخر..
اجل كانت حياته بين يدي وكان موتي بين يديه
سلسلة وحوش بشرية
الكاتبة : أصالة روز