Everyone has a weakness; a fear that prevails every time. Some have overcome them. Others... Don't make it out unscarred. They have crutches; a thing to hold onto to get through. For many, they use the Creator as a crutch, but never truly allow Him to help them. This story, this mishap, focuses on the weaknesses of six individuals, including Ty_Savage. Together, they will be rid of their crutches, and conquer their fears. OR... Be divided, beaten down, left for dead by Carnage, the Lord of Lies, Father of Fear.
Waking up in the body of a Romani Archiman is acceptable. Getting 3rd and 1st True Magics is nice. Getting Beasts as pets - delightful. The world of DxD is unforgivable. It's a world where some teenagers who aren't even two decades old somehow mystically defeat the descendants of legendary heroes, ancient demons, powerful dragons, etc. Why does this happen? Simply because! Simply put, this world only makes sense because it doesn't. And now, I have to put up with the fact that I live here. Such pain. (DxDxMulti)