"Stop".she raised her voice but that didn't affect the boy with curly dark hair."Stop",she shrieked before throwing a vase at the boy in front of her, causing it to dodge past him and hit the wall before smashing into pieces.'What's wrong Charlotte?"her mother ran into the room before holding her daughter tightly against her chest that just stood there staring at the boy who couldn't her seen but the unwanted. The whole night wen with Margaret holding Charlotte and Charlotte staring at the wall blankly.
"We have to do this now Margaret".Wanda answered with sad eyes."Wh...what?"Margaret asked. "You mean...transfer her to an ass...asylum?"Wanda just nodded her head firmly. "No.No Wanda! She's all that I have. I won't let you do this",she swallowed the bile in her throat,shaking her head left to right.
"Stop acting so childish Margaret. She's not going to be cured if you don't let the professionals handle it. She needs change and besides, there are a lot activities held for the ill people. She'll surely be distracted from her dark thoughts. 'Wanda answered sincerely and looked at Margaret who gave her a doubtful look."Just trust me. I promise she'll be okay".
"Here you go darling, your own room ".the nurse spoke as she led Charlotte inside her 'room' you might as well call a cell because since when did a room loose its color.There were white walls, white bed,and white floor even, it was depressing. Seriously how can you cure a patient when the place they stay at is so sad?
The atmosphere was displeasing and Charlotte was disappointed, at herself, her mom,Mrs.James and simply her life. She was sad because ended up in a place that will always haunt her entire life. It was a horrendous situation and clearly devastating.