"The tides are getting bigger and bigger each day" - Pikestar
"Welcome, rouge you got yourself here somehow, hm or are a lost Kittypet looking for it's bigger, well you won't find them here. This is ReefClan we live on a Island, see those other Islands, those are other Clans, such as ClamClan and SeaClan. We don't fight much so nothing to worry about with other cats invading, come. Time to take you into Camp".You see tall trees that seem to reach the sky with weird brown berries hang on the branches, then there are bushes and flowers on the ground with caves that seem to be the dens with leaves on the floor with petals of flowers you never seen before, the cat leads you to a medium size den with cats sleeping in them, "this is the warriors den, the apprentices have to share a den with them from us remaking there den right now from the 'big wave ' " the cat said, you wonder what the big wave was but you decided not to ask, the cat lead you to a bigger den with a calico queen inside there with five little kits the den as flowers and green glossy plants that are called 'sea weed' " this is the nursery, we usual get bring washed up things from the shores and bring it here for the kits" the cat meowed, then she took you to a hollowed out tree, with a cat in there sorting herbs, "this is the medicine cat they take care of the cats nothing much to say here" the cat meowed. Then she lead you the edge of the Camp where you saw a sandy beach with giant stone with cracks big enough to fit a cat " and this is my den" she said "the leaders den".
Madison Bamford has always lived on the small island, Outer Banks, some might even call it paradise on earth. The Bamford family was well known, being one of the most influential families around. If you wanted to be someone in the Kook hierarchy you would try and become close to them.
Maddy had always been the perfect girl in everyone's eyes, she would do as she was told and she was amazing at pretending everything was perfect.
That perfect life was about to change when she gets closer to the blonde Cameron boy, it started to make her think about choosing between good and evil. Because love makes you human and yet it makes you go beyond humanity.
!Mature Content!
1st in #rafecameron -04.04.23, 07.06.23
Season 1 - completed 6. April 2023
Season 2 - completed 17. May 2023
Season 3 - completed 25. November 2024
Season 4 -