There is a change in how you see it forever. Whether good or bad,that's how you're gonna see it for the rest of your life. And that,is how it went for the only girl of the Weasley fam-no. The Malfoy family. Ginevra Imogen Malfoy,had been in the Malfoy family for 12 years. Her brother,Draco Lucius Malfoy,is now currently in his second year at Hogwarts,School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She is now starting her first year. But she had noticed something in ger hair.
When she was younger, it was more like her mother,Narcissa Malfoy's hair. But as she grew up to her current age now,it started to look like it was fading. She asked ger father,Lucius Malfoy,about it. But he never answered,and instead said that it was natural for every female Malfoys. But,secretly,both her brother and mother,would say that's not natural for them. Said that her father was lying. She couldn't believe why her father would lie.
This story will take place on the events of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Along with many plot changes. Read this story and join Ginevra Malfoy on her adventure for her first year.