This is a short story I had to do for class. Enjoy. Bastian and Alex lost their parents, they ended up moving to Los Angeles, California. There, Bastian works as a waiter and Alex stays home for home schooling. One night at a night club, Bastian is approached by a man and given PCP. One try and Bastian is hooked. Not only for the addictive properties of PCP, but also what he sees when he's on it. Such a beautiful Dreamworld that's much better compared to the real world. But, as time goes on, that beautiful Dreamworld begins to crumble and die. Bastian eventually puts himself into a coma from overdosing on the PCP after four months of using it. After he wakes up in the hospital, Bastian is out into rehabilitation for six months. After he gets out of rehab and is able to get Alex back from foster care, Bastian gets back on PCP after a few weeks of being home. Bastian assumes that if he takes a large amount of PCP again like his body was used to before, he would see the Dreamworld again. He ends up killing himself from overdosing on PCP again.All Rights Reserved