The story follows a necromancer by the name of Hayden of the Sixth, who is destined to become the next Lich Lord that will bring a new meaning to death to this human-controlled world. Monsters off all ilk are forced to live in human cities, and are supervised as they live in what are called Houses. Hayden's bustling city of Ilem has the most Houses out of any other city in the world, but has obtained peace through monster-human contact. What are Hayden's goals for becoming the most feared monster in all of history? Truly, he wants to become a Lich because he can, not because he wants to. The benefits of power do not interest him extremely, but the thought of possible omnipotence and control over the Sixth House pleases him greatly. He lives life in accordance to his mother's wishes and has it very easy, except for one issue: his first human necromantic test subject who was adopted by the house's residents has become a major part of his life. This young girl, Shell, is not only his assitant, but has been his best friend for all of his life. One notch in this fairy tale stands out however: Shell has been infected by a necro-snake since she was young and will die from it. This Romance/Horror piece of mine is going to be fun for both of us.