Lilian is an 11-year-old girl has cancer, and June (her older sister) is devasted and abject. Lilian is her only family, other than her aunt and uncle whom she shares an apartment with. June just doesn't know what she would do without her baby sister. Will Lilian live and rejoin her sister? What will happen afterward?
A tall girl sat next to a hospital bed, holding her younger sister's hand. The room seemed dark, empty, and doleful, even with the window on the other side of the room letting in the bright sunlight. It was just the two of them in the room, sitting quietly and listening to the chirping birds.
The younger girl's eyelids were starting to drop, and the older one could tell. Her face grew sad, disappointed.
"Hang in there. You'll get through this, I know it. I love you, Lils." The older sister told the sickly girl, Lilian.
"I love you too, June." Lilian smiled faintly as her eyelids closed, and she peacefully fell asleep. In that moment, the grief hit June hard. A few tears slipped out, and she let them fall freely down her cheeks.
"Lord, please don't take my baby sister. She's too young... she's only 11." June begs, tears falling heavier than before. "I need her. I need to see her again. Please..."
A few tear-filled moments later a nurse opened the door and walked into the hospital room. The nurse looked at the sleeping girl in the bed and quietly walked over to June, still sitting next to the bed. The nurse bent down next to the grieving sister.
"She needs some rest, and your family probably wants to hear from you. Why don't you start home?" The woman asked softly. June nodded softly and got to her feet. She trudged toward the door and having made it to the door frame she looked back at her little sister one last time before continuing out the door.