Jack's life come crushing down when his lovely wife, Paige, happened to have a car accident, a really bad one that she has to be on a coma.
Jack's life changed, he doesnt care about himself anymore that it makes his mother worries and sad.
His mother, Katherine, wants him to marry another woman to replace Paige to fulfill his needs as a husband and of course to take care of himself but he refused that right away.
Katherine keeps begging him, until Jack with a forceful heart agreed with her mother because he cant stand seeing her mother sad and he was the caused of it.
But the woman he's about to marry happens to be Paige's sister, Petra Whitesides.
Petra is going to replace her own sister's position as a wife to her husband, Petra's brother in-law, soon to be husband.
Petra actually has a boyfriend, the perfect one. But she cant refuse Katherine's wish. Why?
Find all of the answer on Replaced.