Abnegation. Erudite. Candor. Dauntless. Amity.
Our faction names. Each has a different quality they look down on, and one they all posses.
Abnegation: looks down on selfishness; possesses selflessness
Erudite: Looks down on stupidity; possesses intelligence
Candor: Looks down on lying; possesses honesty
Dauntless: Looks down on cowardice; possesses bravery
Amity: Looks down on aggressiveness; possesses peacefulness
These traits all seem to help prevent another war that could kill 98% of the human race. There are, however, cons to these traits. The Amity are passive, the Dauntless tend to be cruel.
When someone turns sixteen, they take the aptitude test which tells them which faction they're supposed to be in. However, the test doesn't affect our choices. Then the next day, there's the Choosing Ceremony when you decide if you're going to stay in your faction, or change.
Then there's those who are Divergent. The ones who's test results gave them multiple factions.
I've always thought maybe I'd be Divergent, but there's a problem.
I'm not smart.
I'm not peaceful.
I'm not selfless.
I'm not honest.
Am I even brave?