24 Kapitel Laufend Whassup, I'm Lucas. Lucas Stark, but call me Luke. Yeah, I know what your thinking, the son of the great Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist, who's also Iron Man, everyone's hero in shiny armor. Not like I grew up with that man who ruined my life. I was sold to HYDRA by my own mother and been their soldier my whole life, and yeah, he is also to blame.
I was tortured my whole life, beaten into becoming an assassin I never wanted to be in the first place. my parents were never present in my life, they never came back for me. I don't like getting close to people cause the 2 people I thought I was supposed to trust sold and abandoned me.
I guess a few good things came out of HYDRA, like learning how to fight, meeting Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, and getting my powers. Yeah, I have powers. All 3 of us went through a series of tests from List and Wolfgang von Strucker, where we were exposed to energy from some Scepter, which killed most of the other volunteers, but survived and experienced very different side-effects.
I'm not like my dad, Steve, Nat, or other superheroes, while I care about protecting people and will try my best, I'm manipulative and deceitful at my worst, so watch out. But I've grown a lot, I became an avenger, connected with my father, met my best friend, and more, all whilst saving the world countless times.
(I only own Luke and a few more characters, but the others belong t the MCU and some from Marvel Comics. This story takes place after Captain America: The Winter Soldier to now, including some original stories and probably some Marvel characters who aren't in the MCU)