∞ Inspired by the song "I Lived" by One Republic ∞ Written for: @BrightEyesEren ; I hope you enjoy :")) ---- ‹ ∞ › ---- Who's to say for sure what happens after we die? Who's to say if we die at all? No matter what happens during our lifetime, no matter what choices we make-good or bad-and no matter how we live up to our final moments, we will never truly die. We continue to live, even after our hearts seize to beat at that same steady pace. You see- the reason why we don't truly die is because of our unfinished business. We are kept on earth until we complete the things we couldn't do when we were alive. We stay on earth until we finish what we never had the chance to do. When we do, and there is nothing left for us to do, we can finally rest and say that we have lived. → a short story → ongoing; started june 6th, 2017All Rights Reserved