15 parts Ongoing The Shadows of Kagura is a gripping urban fantasy set in modern Tokyo, where the ordinary collides with the supernatural. The story follows Ryuuji Aoyama, a seemingly average high school student who discovers he possesses a rare and powerful energy called Ikioi. After a terrifying encounter with a malevolent spirit, Ryuuji is saved by Akari, a mysterious woman from a secret society known as Kagura. This organization has protected Japan from unseen threats for centuries, using Ikioi to battle Yokai-malevolent spirits born from negative emotions.
As Ryuuji is thrust into this hidden world, he must learn to harness his Ikioi before it consumes him. Along the way, he meets other members of Kagura, each with their own unique abilities and burdens. Together, they must face not only the growing threat of the Yokai, but also the looming prophecy that foretells a warrior who could either save or destroy the world. With the barriers between the human and spirit worlds weakening, Ryuuji must navigate this dangerous new reality, discovering the true nature of his powers-and himself.
This is a story of self-discovery, the battle between light and darkness, and the choices that define us. Can Ryuuji control the power within him, or will it destroy everything he holds dear?