There lived a girl this girl name was called jasmine. So every time whenever she does something bad she will start to lie. So one day when she to school although she was thirteen years old. When she entered the school but then it was time for classes so when was about to go to her desk she noticed one shiny powerful ring in that ring they said that if anyone wears that ring the person will have strength or power to lie so that was when jasmine went ahead to put the ring in her middle finger that was when jasmine had the power to start lying on everybody. So when one of her friends passed by she mistakenly dropped one of her friends book and her friends name was Ashley , Jade and Angela so the jasmine herself fell one of her friends book and lied that she was not the one that fell it down why else it was her that did it. So the other day when it was time for sport Jasmine saw an handsome good looking guy his name was James so James introduced himself to jasmine after that they became friends . The next day the principal said that whoever carries this heavy iron the person will be the winner so jasmine carried but mistake happened she went to use the iron on James and James said you hit on me Jasmine said that it wasn't her .